New year and a new look for A-B 24/7 Event Logistics and Transport logo
To mark the commencement of our sixth year the team at A-B 24/7 Event Logistics are seeing in the start of the new year in style with a refreshed logo and even more additions to our growing transport truck fleet. It has been a few years since our last logo refresh and with the large canvas of our new 26 Ton Event Truck to fill, we asked the team from our marketing agency to have a look at evolving our logo. A number of routes, (no pun intended), were explored before settling on the final design which has nicely developed our logo from our last refresh. With a number of trucks already on order for this year and half of our van fleet being replaced in the next couple of months, it made sense to take the opportunity and review our branding. It’s important that our brand communicates our values, and we wanted to start the year looking clean, fresh and smart to match the new vehicles we have joining our fleet this year.
A-B 24/7 Event Logistics and Transport logo evolution
How our brand has transformed
Our first logo –
We put this together ourselves when we started the company back in 2012

Our previous refresh 2015 –
The lettering modified, modernised and tweaked

2018 –
Our new A-B 24/7 Event Logistics and Transport Logo

Our original brand colour
We have a new green…
Along with the new logo, we’ve also changed the tone of the A-B 24/7 Event Logistics green. We’ve changed our green to a subtle darker shade for more prominence on our very large shiny brand new vehicles.
Our new green
Our fleet
New designs for all our vehicles have been finalised from our long wheelbase event vans right up to our flagship 26 Ton Event Truck. We’ll be rolling out the brand to our entire fleet throughout the year as our new vehicles arrive.
Look out for our new branding around town as we transport goods to the Event Venues of London.